Martindale Abrasion Tester Working Principle and Standards


The Martindale abrasion tester (Martindale method) is used to test the abrasion resistance and apparent pilling properties of woven fabrics, knitted fabrics, non-woven fabrics, decorative materials, coated fabrics, etc.

Working principle

The fabric to be tested is mounted in the upper specimen fixture and rubbed against the abrasive material mounted on the grinding table. The friction trajectory is a Lissajous figure (an important feature of the Martindale method). After the specified friction stage according to the test requirements, remove the fabric and calculate the wear resistance index or use visual description to evaluate the fuzzing and pilling levels of the sample.
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Operation method

1. Sample preparation
In a standard environment, lay it flat and without stretching for a period of time according to different standards. Such as 24h (GB/T 4802.2-1997), 16h (EN ISO 12947-4:1998)
2. Selection of specimens
Cut a sample from different parts of the entire door fabric, and the sample must be representative. If it is a fancy fabric, the sample should include all different textures and colors presented on the cloth surface;
3. Remove the load and load shaft from the testing machine;
4. Remove the top plate and test fixture;
5. Sample device
Loosen the fixing ring on the test fixture, take off the sample pressing piece, and place the sample into the base of the test fixture. When the fabric being tested is not larger than 500 g/m2, a piece of polyester foam should be placed between the sample and the metal plug of the sample clamp; if the fabric is larger than 500 g/m2, or it is a composite fabric, there is no need to put a piece of polyester foam. The specimens on each specimen clamp should be subjected to the same tension.
6. Wool felt and friction cloth device
Place the felt and abrasive on the grinding table, place the weight on the abrasive, then put on the pressure ring and tighten the nut so that the pressure ring fixes the abrasive on the grinding table.
7. Place the grinding head on the abrasive and apply pressure;
8. Place the test fixture containing the sample face down on the base fixture, adjust the circular groove of the test fixture to align with the load shaft, so that the load shaft is inserted into the circular groove of the test fixture;
9. Set the number of times according to the standard, turn on the switch, start the test, and automatically stop after reaching the set number of times;
10. Remove the sample and compare it with the standard sample in the rating box.
Click to visit standard comparison of martindale abrasion tester.


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