Selection of materials for jigger dyeing machine parts

In the textile industry, the jigger dyeing machine is a key textile printing and dyeing equipment. The selection of its main manufacturing material has a vital impact on the performance, durability, and dyeing effect of the equipment. Stainless steel is one of the most commonly used materials in modern dye jigger manufacturing, especially 304 and 316L.

Material selection for each component of the jigger dyeing machine

The jigger dyeing machine is composed of a frame, an electric control cabinet, a vessel/top cover, a circulation system, a dye bath, a main roller, a guide roller, a tension frame, an additional tank, a debatching device, and other parts.
More details about jigger dyeing machine in our company
No contact with dye solution
For parts that are not in contact with the dye solution, the main consideration when choosing the manufacturing material is the use environment of the equipment.
  • Generally speaking, the environment of the dyeing factory is harsh. We recommend using 304 stainless steel to ensure the durability of these parts, and they are not easily corroded in high temperature and high humidity environments.
Note: Some jigger dyeing machines also use carbon steel to make these parts, but the service life will be very short, even less than 1/3 of that of 304 stainless steel. Generally, we do not recommend using it, but if you must consider the cost issue, you also need to strictly control the use of it.


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