Yarn count system and test methods


What is yarn count?

Yarn count is a number which indicates the mass per unit length or the length per unit mass of yarn.


Generally, there are four representation ways of yarn count: Tex, Denier, Ne and Nm. Tex and denier belongs to the mass per unit length system, and Ne and Nm belong to per unit mass of length system.

Calculating methods of yarn count

Tex: The yarn count in the Tex system is the weight in grams of 1000m of yarn. Tex is usually used to express the count of natural material yarn. It is decimal and employs metric units.
m = The weight of the sample, g
L = The length of the sample, m
Denier: The count of yarn in the denier system is the weight in grams of 9000m of yarn. Denier is usually used to express the count of chemical fibers and filament.
m = The weight of the sample, g
L = The length of the sample, m
In the mass per unit length system, the yarn count is the number of “units of weight” per “unit of length” of yarn. This means the higher the yarn count, the thicker the yarn. It is based on the fixed length system.
Ne: Ne is the number of hanks (840yarns) of pound weight yarn. Ne is usually used to express the count of cotton type yarn in SI system.
N e=L/(840m)
m = The weight of the sample, lb
L = The length of the sample, yd
Nm: Nm is the length of per gram yarn, and it is usually used to express the count of wool yarn, linen yarn and natural fibers.
N m=L/m
L = The length of the sample, m
m = The weight of the sample, g

Conversion relationships between Tex, Denier, Ne and Nm

Ne=0.5905Nm or Nm=1.6931 Ne
Click here to find more about yarn count test methods.


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