Color Fastness to Perspiration Related Questions


What are the types of fastness?

Color fastness, refers to the resistance of textile color to various effects during processing and use. The color fastness test of textiles is a routine item in the intrinsic quality test of textiles. Generally, the color fastness grade is evaluated according to the discoloration of the sample and the stain of the undyed lining fabric. Color fastness is an important test item for the quality of textile and garment products. According to the different application environment of textile and apparel fabrics in the actual production and application process, the color fastness of textile and apparel fabrics have different requirements.
With the improvement of people’s living standards, textile and clothing should not only meet people’s needs for heat preservation, but also meet people’s needs for functional and personalized. Colorful and colorful textile clothing to meet people’s needs for individuality, but also to meet people’s special need for beauty. Although the changing color of clothing increases the variety of clothing styles to a certain extent, it also brings certain difficulties to the quality control of clothing products. How to reduce the dye in storage, washing, maintenance of the color dip, fading and other conditions, is the garment production enterprises must face the quality problem. In order to standardize the quality of textile and garment products produced and sold, the national standards have made clear requirements on the color fastness of textile and garment.
There are dozens of kinds of color fastness. Common color fastness include color fastness to friction, soap, sweat stains, water, saliva, light, light and sweat, etc., which are selected and evaluated mainly according to the use of the final product. Among them, color fastness to dry friction, color fastness to water, color fastness to sweat stains and color fastness to saliva (only for baby products) are the items required by the basic safety technical specifications of textiles.

What is perspiration fastness?

There are millions of active sweat glands on the human skin. The forehead, armpits, front chest, back and palms sweat more. Therefore, summer often wear such as shirts, T-shirts and other clothes will appear in these parts of the serious fading phenomenon.
As we all know, the composition of human sweat is complex, among which the main component is salt, different from person to person, sweat has acid, also has alkaline. Short contact between textile and sweat may have little effect on its color fastness, but long time close to the skin and sweat contact, will have a greater impact on some dyes. Clothing with unqualified dyeing fastness is easy to transfer dyes from textiles to human skin through sweat, and dye molecules and heavy metal ions may be absorbed by human body through the skin and harm health.
The color fastness to perspiration refers to the degree of color change caused by the colored fabric soaked in acid or alkaline solution and a variety of fiber cloth for a certain time, and then treated under certain conditions, and the degree of color stain caused by a variety of fiber cloth.

How to use a Perspirometer?

Put the composite specimen between the plastic boards at first, and then put it between the base frame and spring pressure rack. Put the hammer that the test standard required on the spring pressure board, at last tighten the seat screw, and put them all into the constant temperature oven (Color Fastness to Perspiration Oven).
The specific operations refer to the test standards ISO 105-E01/E02/E04-1994, AATCC 15/106/107-2002 etc.

How can l improve my color fastness to perspiration?

The main way to improve the color fastness to sweat of fabrics is to choose dyes reasonably, especially dyes with high color fixation rate and good stability. Reasonable formulation and control of dyeing process, strengthening of color fixation conditions and forming stable covalent bonds can make dyes fully fixed. For example, when the reactivity is poor, the catalyst can be selected, or the appropriate color fixing agent can be selected, or the color fixing can be adopted at a higher temperature.


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