
Showing posts from January, 2023

Color Fastness to Perspiration Related Questions

  What are the types of fastness? Color fastness, refers to the resistance of textile color to various effects during processing and use. The color fastness test of textiles is a routine item in the intrinsic quality test of textiles. Generally, the color fastness grade is evaluated according to the discoloration of the sample and the stain of the undyed lining fabric. Color fastness is an important test item for the quality of textile and garment products. According to the different application environment of textile and apparel fabrics in the actual production and application process, the color fastness of textile and apparel fabrics have different requirements. With the improvement of people’s living standards, textile and clothing should not only meet people’s needs for heat preservation, but also meet people’s needs for functional and personalized. Colorful and colorful textile clothing to meet people’s needs for individuality, but also to meet people’s special need for beauty. Al

Light Fastness Influencing Factors

Light fastness refers to the degree to which the color of the textile changes color under the action of sunlight or light after it has been dyed or printed. The factors affecting the actual test process of textile  color fastness to light  include internal and external factors. The internal cause is mainly caused by the difference in the properties of textile dyes. External factors include many aspects, such as the choice of light source, spectral energy, temperature setting, relative humidity and so on. Since the internal cause of the color fastness of textiles to light is the purpose of the test, it has little to do with the test method. The main factors that have a direct impact on the stability and reproducibility of test results are external factors. Internal cause of light fastness Dye structure Generally speaking, in the vulcanization of anthraquinone dyes and phthalocyanine dyes, the light fastness of sulfide, sulfide blue and metal complex dyes is better. The light fastness of

Factors Affecting Color Fastness of Textiles

The elements influencing textile color fastness are classified as internal and exterior. Internal variables are the stiffness of the dye-fiber combination, whereas external elements are the external forces applied by external sources or the ambient conditions given by the product during usage. Because external causes cannot be controlled, manufacturers should endeavor to improve the color fastness of their products. Choice of dyestuff The color fastness of a product is determined by the dyes. There is no way to obtain high-quality color fastness if the dyeing chemicals are not chosen correctly, regardless of how wonderful the auxiliaries and dyeing method are. Only after selecting the appropriate dye can we go to the following stage. According to the characteristics of the fiber Varied dyes have different combinations with fibers, and the toughness of the bindings varies as well. After determining the type of dye, then select a dye with good dyeing performance. When dyeing wool cloth,

Sublimation Fastness-All You Need to Know

  What is sublimation fastness Sublimation fastness is commonly associated with the dyeing of polyester disperse dyes. When the temperature rises above a certain point (setting above 180°C, ironing above 200°C), the disperse dyes in the polyester fibers directly convert from powdery solids to gas and escape, changing the color of the polyester. When the brightened and liberated dye cools, it desublimates and solidifies, and it sticks to the equipment or the surface of the polyester. The dye (floating color) on the surface of this polyester has no fastness and easily falls off after washing or rubbing, indicating that the washing and rubbing fastness is poor. Sublimation test Because the dyeing mechanism of polyester fibers differs from that of other dyes, sublimation fastness may directly reflect the heat resistance of dispersion colors. For other dyes, testing the ironing fastness of the dye is the same as testing the dye’s sublimation fastness. The dye’s sublimation fastness is poor.