New Dyeing Process in 2022(Green Dyeing Technology)-1

new dyeing process

With the progress of society and the improvement of people’s quality of life, people pay more and more attention to the environment and their own health. Wearing “green textiles” and “ecological textiles” has become the living needs of people in today’s world. Green dyeing technology is the key development direction of textile dyeing in the future.

Green dyeing technology is distinguished by the use of non-harmful dyes and auxiliaries, as well as the dyeing and processing of textiles using non-polluting or low-polluting procedures. The amount of colored sewage emitted after dyeing is little, and it is easy to filter and deal with, as is the amount of energy consumed, and the dyed goods are “green” or ecological textiles. To that purpose, much research has been conducted in recent years both at home and abroad, and various innovative dyeing processes with lower pollution or ecological needs have been presented and pushed.
Waterless dyeing, energy-saving dyeing, solubilizing dyeing, new paint dyeing, short-process, multi-effect dyeing and finishing, computer application and controlled dyeing are all examples of the new dyeing process.

Dyeing with natural dyes

With the prohibition on some synthetic dyes, people’s interest in natural dyes has grown again, owing to the fact that most natural dyes are environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and have minimal toxicity. Synthetic dyes are made from petroleum and coal chemical compounds. These resources are now being depleted fast. In this regard, the creation of natural dyes is also beneficial to environmental conservation. Although natural dyes cannot totally replace synthetic dyes because to their numerous shortcomings, they are useful as a partial substitute or complement to synthetic dyes.
The chemical structure of natural colors is still unknown, and the extraction procedure is also quite inefficient. As a result, research and development are required for its extraction and use, particularly the complete usage of plant leaves, flowers, fruits, and rhizomes, and the use of other industrial wastes to extract natural colors. Natural dyes with high production and performance are predicted to be generated through genetic engineering as biotechnology advances. Natural dyes’ characteristics and structures are poorly understood, and further study is needed.

Substitute Dyestuffs for Banned Dyes

Many synthetic dyes have been outlawed due to the gradual improvementof ecological textile standards such as Eeo-Tex Standard 100, prompting dye makers to generate a huge number of synthetic dyes that fulfill ecological requirements in recent years. More dyes will be created in the future, as will dyeing process.

Dyeing with high fixation or high uptake dyes

One of the most serious environmental issues in dyeing is dye pollution in dyeing effluent. The creation and use of dyes with high dye absorption or fixation rates can significantly reduce dyes in wastewater while simultaneously improving dye utilization rates. At the moment, various reactive, dispersion, and cationic dyes with high fixing rates have been created, which minimizes residual colors in wastewater, as well as water consumption for washing after dyeing and the amount of wastewater produced.
The rest four new dyeing process can be seen here.


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