12 Causes of Yarn Dyeing Reproducibility Issues-2

Yarn Dyeing Reproducibility Issues

The five objective outside factors that affect the reproducibility of yarn dyeing have been listed before. The seven additional human-generated subjective elements and solutions are discussed below.

Subjective elements of yarn dyeing reproducibility issues

1、Winding quality

The apparent color depth of the cheese yarn’s dip-dyed color is greatly influenced by the weight ratio of the dye to the material being dyed. In most cases, package dyeing and loading just counts the quantity of bobbins; additional weighing is not necessary. The weight of the loaded yarn is thus determined by the weight of the winding. Therefore, the winding must weigh 100% of all loose packages.


The degree of impurity removal during pretreatment, the level of gross efficiency, the degree of whiteness, the pH after washing, and the hydrogen peroxide depuration following bleaching will all have an impact on the dye uptake rate and shade.

3、Selection of dyes

Reactive dyes, vat dyes, direct dyes, etc. are the most common types of dyes used on cotton yarn.
However, in some seasoned dyeing plants, reactive dyes are typically used for dyeing cotton yarn whereas disperse dyes and reactive dyes are used for dyeing blended polyester-cotton yarn. To ensure reproducibility, consider their compatibility, sensitivity, and quality stability while making your choice.

4、The rationality of dyeing process

Despite the selection of the appropriate dyes, the dyeing process design is illogical, and the cylinder difference will also happen. For instance, the design of the temperature, the heating rate, the holding rate, the holding time, the amount of additives, the science-based nature of the adding techniques, and the logic of the post-treatment process design. They will all have an impact on the variation in the amount of dye uptake, which will produce a color difference.

5、Operational factors

​Operator and manager are unaware that their actions do not adhere to the standards of the process, and some are even incorrect. like:
  • The pipette is at roughly 45 degrees when the proofreader looks at the scale of the pipette (should be vertical).
  • The dyer is not a special person responsible for dyeing the same color, but multiple people operate.
  • Weighers use the same spoon to pick up different dyes, wiping only with a dry rag.
  • Each prescription’s dyes are assembled in a single container, weighed, and then put into a bucket.
You can find two other human subjective factors and solutions at https://fyitester.com/yarn-dyeing-reproducibility-issues-2/​.


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