Types Of Dyeing Machine


Types Of Dyeing Machine

​A dyeing machine is a equipment used for dyeing fiber, yarn and fabric to discolor a substance by chemical or other means. Under the condition that technology allows, we can make objects take on various colors that people need through dyeing. Then how can we classify different types of dyeing machine?

​A Little Background on dyeing

Dyeing is a very ancient process. The earliest dyed flax fibers have been found in a prehistoric cave in the Georgia and dates back to 34,000 BC. (wikipedia.org)

It can be seen from the unearthed cultural relics that some natural dyes were used to dye in China, India and Egypt as early as in prehistory. Since Perkin invented synthetic dyes in 1856, people continue to study the dyeing principle of dyes. But many of the more effective basic research was after the First World War. It was only after World War II that synthetic fibers began to appear.

With the development of modern dyeing technology. You can choose from a variety of dyeing machines nowadays.

How Can We Classify dyeing machine?

Because of the wide range of use, we can divide dyeing machines into different types according to different functions.
  • According to the dyeing method: dip dyeing machine, roll dyeing machine, pad dyeing machine.
  • In the light of the dye form: fiber dyeing machine, yarn dyeing machine, fabric dyeing machine, garment dyeing machine.
  • On the basis of the dyeing temperature and pressure: atmospheric pressure dyeing machine and high temperature and high pressure dyeing machine.
  • Due to the operation mode of the equipment: intermittent dyeing machine and continuous dyeing machine.

More details about how to classify these types of dyeing machine as fiber, yarn, fabric or garments dyeing machine. Please click this link or send email to fyia@hkdowell.com.


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