Different diameter of knitting machine

Knitting machines are devices used by pros to make knitted fabrics. We can distinguish them according to the diameter of the needle cylinder in circular knitting machines.

Large-diameter knitting machine

Large-diameter circular knitting machines are those having diameter from 24 to 40 inches. Most of them produce tubular fabrics. Besides, the rest of them are used to manufacture fabrics. And the fabrics are similar to those manufactured with flat knitting machine.

Medium-diameter knitting machine 

Machine diameters from 8 to 22 inches are called medium diameter knitting machine. Medium-diameter machines can design the production of body-sized tubular fabrics . As well as fabrics with welt and separation thread. In this situation, they are ideal for the underwear market.

Small-diameter knitting machine

These are the machines which having diameters from 3 to 6 inches. Small-diameter machines are designed for manufacturing hosiery. Besides this, it can also produce hair band,rib cuff orhair rope and so on.

This article is reprinted from FYI. You can click this domain to get more information about different diameter knitting machine.


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