Definition and Measurement of Viscosity

Definition of viscosity Viscosity refers to the resistance a fluid exhibits to flow. When a fluid (gas or liquid) flows and one part flows over another, it encounters resistance, which is the internal friction of the fluid. To make the fluid flow, a tangential force must be added in the direction of fluid flow to resist the resistance. The upper boundary plate moves to the right at a constant speed, causing the liquid below to also move to the right. Since the bottom plate is stationary, the velocity of the liquid gradually decreases from top to bottom, resulting in shear stress inside the liquid. For liquids with low viscosity, the shear stress is small and the internal friction of the liquid is small; for liquids with high viscosity, the shear stress is large and the internal friction of the liquid is large. Therefore, viscosity is defined as the ratio of shear stress to the gradient of the liquid’s horizontal rightward movement velocity in the y-axis direction. In this example...