What Is Light Fastness and Why Is It Important?

What is meant by light fastness Color fastness to light is the ability of a stain to retain its original color when exposed to sunlight. Due to the wave-particle biphasism of sunlight in nature, the sunlight that transmits energy in the form of photon has a strong impact on the molecular structure of dyes. According to the general regulations, the light fastness of the determination of the sunlight as the standard. In the laboratory, for easy control, artificial light sources are generally used and corrected if necessary. The most common artificial light source is xenon, or charcoal arc lamps. Under the irradiation of light, the dye absorbs light energy, its energy level increases, its molecules are in an active state, and the hair color system of the dye molecules changes or is destroyed, resulting in the discoloration or fading of the dye. Sun fading is a complicated photochemical process. It is related to the structure of dye, dyeing concentration, fiber type and external cond...