Difference between double and single jersey knitting machine
We can divide the machine into two types by the side of the products. One is single jersey knitting machine, the other is double jersey knitting machine. What is single jersey knitting machine There is a single ‘cylinder’ of needles in single jersey machines .They can produce plain fabrics. Plain is the simplest type of structure practiced since the inception of knitting technology. It can be done in hand knitting as well as machine knitting (flat and circular). We can use plain in a variety of different garments that require stretch, such as blouses, t-shirts, tops and casual dresses. What is double jersey knitting machine Two sets of needles are there in the double jersey machine. This extra set of needles allows the production of fabrics that are twice as thick as single jersey fabrics. Rib, interlock are the two fabrics that knitted by double jersey knitting machine. The difference between the two machines The arrangement of the needle rules Single jersey circular knitting ma...