
Showing posts from June, 2024

Introduction of Fabric Anti-Electromagnetic Radiation Performance Tester

Fabric anti-electromagnetic radiation performance tester is used to solve the testing problem of textile materials. Fabric anti-electromagnetic radiation performance tester is used to measure the electromagnetic wave protection ability and electromagnetic wave shielding ability of textiles, plastic cloths, metal sheets, etc. So as to achieve the electromagnetic radiation protection effect of textiles comprehensive evaluation. Background Electromagnetic radiation is composed of electrical energy and magnetic energy which is transferred together through space. This energy is generated by the movement of electric charges. For example, the moving electric charges emitted by a radio frequency antenna are transmitting a signal which will produce electromagnetic energy. The electromagnetic “spectrum” includes all kinds of electromagnetic radiation, from extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation to extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation. There are also radio waves, microwav

Sewing Machine: Working Principle and Classification

  A sewing machine is a machine capable of forming one or more stitches on a sewing material, using one or more sewing threads to interweave or sew together one or more layers of sewing material. This kind of machine is suitable for sewing various fabrics such as cotton, linen, silk, wool, and artificial fibers, as well as leather, plastic, paper and other products. The stitches sewn are neat, beautiful, flat and firm, the sewing speed is also very fast, and it is very convenient to use. Classified by objects of use 1. Household sewing machine: Suitable for home use, capable of sewing clothes, curtains, tablecloths and other household fabrics. 2. Industrial-grade sewing machine: suitable for use in production sites, with fast sewing speed and high efficiency. It is usually used in clothing, shoes and hats, bags, car seats, furniture and other industries. 3. Portable sewing machine: Small in size and light in weight, it is very suitable for carrying on business trips, but it is not reco

The Guide to Yarn Twist Tester

Twist refers to the number of turns of fibers twisting in a unit length of yarn. Twist affects not only the tensile properties of yarn but also its softness, stiffness, warmth retention, etc. Therefore, twist is an important indicator of the structural characteristics of the yarn. Our product——Y331A is a device that can help you quickly and accurately measure yarn twist. It uses an electric drive method to measure the twist of short-fiber single yarn, twisted multifilament, plied yarn, cable and other yarns. It can be tested using methods such as direct counting, untwist-retwist, double untwist-retwist, and triple untwist-retwist. Search for more information about it Measure Principle Method 1. Direct counting method: Under the specified tension, clamp the two ends of a certain length sample, rotate one end of the sample, and remove the twist of the yarn sample until the constituent units of the tested yarn are parallel. Calculate the twist of the yarn based on the number of revolution

Introduction of Sizing

  Sizing is the process of applying size to warp yarns to improve their weavability. Weavability refers to the ability of warp yarns to withstand repeated friction, stretching, bending and other effects of stop sheets, heddles, reeds, etc. on a loom without causing excessive fluffing or even breakage. Unsized single yarn fibers do not adhere tightly to each other and have more hairiness on the surface, making it difficult to weave. After sizing, part of the sizing liquid penetrates between the fibers, and the other part adheres to the surface of the warp yarn. The sizing that mainly involves the penetration of the slurry into the fibers is called penetrating sizing, and the sizing that mainly relies on the slurry adhering to the surface of the warp yarns is called covering sizing. Ancient manual sizing involves spreading the warp yarns into sheets, applying paste with a brush or reed, drying and then winding them into weaving beams. Wang Zhen’s “Nongshu” of the Yuan Dynasty contains pi