
Showing posts from April, 2023

Draw Frame in Textile Manufacturing: An Overview

  What is meant by draw frame? The draw frame is a spinning machine that converts multiple carded or combed fiber strips into fiber strips of a certain grade. The role of draw frame in textile ​The role of draw frame in textile is to enhance the internal structure of the sliver, enhancing its long-section homogeneity. At the same time, decrease weight unevenness, straighten and parallelize the fibers in the sliver, reduce hooks, fulfill the fineness criteria, and ensure that different types or quality of raw materials mix uniformly to reach the desired mixing ratio. What is the process of draw frame? The work flow of a draw frame generally includes the preparation of the sliver, the flow into the machine and the collection of the processed sliver. Preparation of the sliver Before entering the drawing frame, it is necessary to place multiple cotton slivers or chemical fiber slivers flat on the sliver laying table, and ensure that their length and thickness are equal, so as to get a more

Summary of Comber Machine Related Questions

  What is the meaning of comber machine? Before delving into the meaning of comber machine, it is necessary to first define combing. Combing is one of the processes used in the  spinning process  to exclude shorter fibers and remove kinks (neps, hair particles, grass clippings, cocoon skin, and so on) in the fibers. Simultaneously, the fibers are straightened and paralleled further, resulting in a combed sliver of relatively uniform thickness. The combing machine is the machine that performs the combing process during the spinning process. What is comber machine used for? Comber machine is useful in the textile industry, particularly for companies that want to produce high-quality yarns and fabrics. These companies need to produce high-quality yarns and fabrics with high strength, softness, and gloss. Combing machines, in addition to the textile industry, can be used in other fields that require the separation and processing of impurities, such as cotton processing in agriculture. Furt

Carding Machine-Wool Carding and Cotton Carding

  The carding machine  is a spinning machine that combs the previously processed spinning raw materials into a single fiber state to generate a thin layer of reticular fibers, which is then assembled into fiber strips. The old carding instrument gave rise to the carding machine (comb boards with inclined pin teeth planted on the two boards). By the 18th century, human methods had largely given way to mechanical methods. Many advancements and innovations in various carding machines have occurred since the nineteenth century, and a variety of specific carding machines have arisen. Carding machines are classified into two types: rotary flat carding machines and roller carding machines. The former is mostly used for carding and cotton-type chemical fibers (mid and long fibers), whilst the latter is primarily used for carding wool and other long fibers. The fundamental mechanics of most carding machines include feeding, pre-combing, primary combing, stripping, and coil formation (winding).

Types of Textile fiber

  What is the textile fiber? Textile Fiber is a threadlike strand which is used for spinning yarn. We can spin textile fiber into yarn by  Spinning Lab Equipment  .On the basis of source, we usually divide textile fiber into two categories. That is, natural fibers obtained directly from nature and chemical fibers manufactured by artificial processing. Natural fibers Natural fiber is the textile fiber obtained directly from the natural or artificially cultivated vegetables and artificially raised animals. It is an important source of materials for the textile industry. There are many kinds of natural fiber. We can divide it into vegetable fiber, animal fiber and mineral fiber according to different sources. Cotton, hemp, wool and silk are used for textile for a long time. Among them, cotton and hemp are vegetable fibers, and wool and silk are animal fibers. Except for mineral fibers, all natural fibers have a strong attraction for water in both liquid and vapor form. Because of this hig