Wet Spinning – An Overview

What is wet spinning? Wet spinning is a kind of solution spinning and belongs to the spinning method of chemical fiber. Depending on the different property of the polymer fiber. There are two main spinning methods of chemical fibers: melt spinning and solution spinning. In addition, there are special or unconventional methods of spinning, such as electrospinning, solution blow spinning. Among them, according to the different solidification mode, solution spinning method is divided into wet spinning and dry spinning. In the production of chemical fibers, most of them are produced by melt spinning, followed by wet spinning. And only a few are produced by dry or other unconventional spinning methods. Dry jet wet spinning A variant of wet spinning is dry jet wet spinning, which is called dry-wet spinning for short. It is a chemical fiber spinning method which combines the characteristics of dry spinning and wet spinning. This is a new spinning method developed in the 1960s. Afte...